He is in Me

I have to relax my mind, so my inner spirit can have its way. I have to stop thinking that life is a mind game. And let God have His way.

The Tree of Life — Dirani Jewelry

I see it in the art that my kids create. I watch them yield to their creative nature. It’s sort of like clearing the way, making room for an organic effect to take its course. He is in me. He’s always been there; I just keep clearing the way to give him the space that he needs.

He is in me. If I tell myself that, I can relax and not feel compelled to drive the course. He is in me. Four simple words, yet so hard to live when day to day adversity stands toe to toe.

His voice can seems to escape us, His direction not always when we think we know it best. He is in me, yet I sometimes feel so clueless. Having the faith and the agility to yield and wait when it seems the time is now, can feel like super human strength. It can feel exhausting and irresponsible. What’s that inner voice that says, “act now” and why does it seem so impossible to ignore? Seems so incredible to have a sense of inner peace and under current of panic.

Image by Oji Haynes

He is in me and I’m thankful for the power. I’m renewed by the loving lifeline. I feel and see myself thrive. I step forward l, certain that I will thrive. I know I have a purpose rooted in He that is within me. That knowledge is compelling. I move forward feeling like my mission is undeniable.

Handmade by Dirani Haynes

He is in me. I walk and walk. No need to seek Him. No need to call on Him, as if He’s up in the sky tending to other matters. He is my constant companion in a way that is unimaginable. Sometimes that is enough. Other times I feel like I need more. It’s not so much that He is less; it more like the background noise pulls on me more.

I invited Him in on a Sunday morning or had He been there all along? He is in me, maybe it was way back while listening to Earth, Wind & Fire. Maybe it was when I hit rock bottom and found that Guide Post on Long Island Rail Road. He is in me; I was born with a Divine Purpose.

Image by Oji Haynes

Still I say, never forsaken — because He doesn’t have an exit plan. There is no deal breaker. As I watch the spirit of creativity have its way, Lord please continue to have your way in me. Your way, not mind.

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