Her Vineyard

A woman makes a home. And home becomes her. From home, a legacy begins. She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. Proverbs 31:16 A woman plants a home and pours her entire being into it. We are her vineyard, vines, watered with her prayers, faith and living…

Page Turner

Watching my young adult kids approach turning points in their personal relationships, passion talents and professional careers, is like reading a book where I can’t seem to turn the pages fast enough. There are so many wheels in motion simultaneously. Sometimes I can sense the gears are getting ready to shift and all I can…

He is in Me

I have to relax my mind, so my inner spirit can have its way. I have to stop thinking that life is a mind game. And let God have His way. I see it in the art that my kids create. I watch them yield to their creative nature. It’s sort of like clearing the…

Look for the Light & Dance

I look at this picture and remember the fun my kids were having in the vertical fountain by the Intrepid Sea & Air Museum. It was spontaneous and carefree. It’s a scene that comes to mind as I teach them how to cope with life. I encourage them to never be afraid to step off…

Grown Kids

“Grown Kids” it’s an oxymoron literally and figuratively it’s a very real head trip. As a parent, I’ve gone through every stage of development from nursing infants, to defiant terrible twos to rapidly growing and discovering kindergarten kid and in a flash know it all teen. For me out of all the periods of growth…

Don’t Let Go

I’m looking out the window, as the train blows by river meadows sprinkled with bright pink flowers. I keep opening my mobile camera too late to capture the beauty. It reminds me of trying to wrap my mind and heart around preparing for my youngest son’s college move-in. He’s the youngest, but in many ways…


I looked up at these two trees as if seeing them for the first time. I knew for sure and for certain that God wanted me to see them in the spirit. They stood side by side. They were mates by nature. I thought of soul mates. They appeared to be the same height, perhaps…

It’s Who I Am

The envelope for the card that Jeff gave me for Mother’s Day speaks volumes to me. From the moment he gave me the card. I received the envelope as a gift. The card inside was a beautiful two dimensional piece of art, one of those cards that is blank inside. His love note was lovely….

Scrolling Through Life

I just scrolled through my blog site. Amazed, like who is this writer; such an outpouring of life. Please, let your light fill me, pour out and touch the world. Let your will be done. Let me write on and on, Dear Lord.

Looking for the Stars

Walking my dog last night, I looked up at a starless sky. It was one of those nights when the heaviness of the clouds were having their way. They actually lit up the sky, but it wasn’t the kind of light I was seeking. There’s a certain place or moment in my evening walk where…